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Response to “Rare Sumatran Tiger Cub Born”

My teacher Mrs.Campagna, told my class and me about a happy news website. The website itself is very educational and only gives happy news. That is what I love about this website, If you want the link for the website here it is.

“A Mama Sumatran tiger gave birth to a healthy cub at the San Francisco zoo over the weekend.” The cub was a critically endangered subspieces. The zookeepers estimated that there was about 400 Sumatran tigers in the wild. “All signs seem to be positive so far”, ” said Corinne MacDonald, San Francisco Zoo curator of carnivores and primates.” The Mama tiger and the cub are bonding. she said.

You can see that on top of this sentence there is a picture of the baby Sumatran tiger. ” The unnamed cub was the first tiger born at the San Francisco Zoo since 2008.” The zookeepers won’t know the gender of the cub until two weeks from now.”These births are definitly rare” said Dr. Tarra Harris. Dr. Tarra Harris is a tiger speacialist for North American accrediting group Association of  Zoos andAquariums. Well thats it, see you next time!



Percy Jackson Questions

I’m going to ask you ten questions about Percy Jackson.

1. Who are Percy’s two friends?

2. Where does Percy go in the fourth book?

3. Who is Percys god dad?

4. What does Annabeth want to be when she grows up?

5. What is Grover half of?

6. What cabin number does Percy live in?

7. Whos the god of the heavens?

8. Who is the god of the sea?

9. Who is the god of the Underworld?

10. What is the name of Percys sword?

This quiz ends March 17, 2013


What is your favorite season? And what season were you born in? I was born in spring on a leap year. Were you born on a leap year? If you want to tell me you can leave a comment. Or if you have a question you can also leave a comment.

When Jessie came Across the Sea

The reason why they call America “The promised Land” Is that they think the streets are made out of gold. And they are free. “When Jessie came across the sea” is a very well written book with beautiful realistic pictures. For my opinion I love the book “When Jessie came across the sea.” I reccomend that people that like books from the olden days should read this book.

Favorite Movies

What is your favorite movie? Mine is Harry Potter and the Sorcers Stone. Leave a comment to tell me what your favorite movie is. And tell me your favorite part of the movie. My favorite part of the movie is when Harry looks into the mirror of Erised. And he see’s his parents. Make your comment juicy. Have fun!


I have a class pet named S’more. He is a guinea pig. S’more has a black bottom and head. There is a brown patch of hair around his eyes and nose. S’more also has white in the middle of his body. S’more has a play pen. His favorite foods are lettuce, kiwi, and grapes. Here is a tip: They love to blow bits of food in thier water bottles, so give them new water every day. S’more is a little famous in  our hallway. We have second graders coming in after recess to visit S’more every day. You may leave a comment to tell intresting news about your pet. Thanks for reading!


What are you going to build in the snow? Here is a  picture of what my brother, and me made in 2011. It is a mini snowman. We made a snow chair but we didn’t take any pictures of it. Here is also a picture of my Christmas tree and my brother and me.

In 2011            


Merry Christmas!

Wish you a very Merry Christmas! What are you doing for Christmas? Please leave a comment to tell me what you are doing for Christmas. This is what I am doing. I’m going to my aunt’s house for Christmas Eve. We get presents on Christmas Eve and Christmas.You see the thing we do on Christmas is we put all our cousins names in a hat and you pull out a name on paper and whoevers name you have you buy them presents. Our price level is 50 dollars or under.